

It’s been a while, I know..life has kind of taken over.

Well, we are nearing the end of our first winter and I guess it happens in any new house or location, you discover things as you go through the seasons.  Well we found out, when it’s icy or snowy, we get stuck!

There is just no way in or out.  Roads don’t get gritted and unless your vehicle of choice is of the tractor variety, you are going nowhere.

Lessons learnt, stock up on basics, wear wellies a lot and settle down to many a log fire warming your slowly thawing toes.  Bliss.


It’s been a quiet week for one reason or another, but we did venture out to the local fireworks display.

Much smaller than what we are used to, but just as much fun and the fireworks seemed bigger and brighter somehow without any street lights or building lights to affect the night sky.


“Are you out of your tiny minds?”

Family and friends were obviously surprised at our decision to realise our long held dream of escaping the hum drum of concrete city living and move hundreds of miles away to the country.

Two months in and we can honestly say we’ve not regretted the decision (yet!)

After a two year eternity, we finally packed up our belongings and moved to a converted barn in the country.  The barn was a bargain compared to the number of properties we’ve looked at.  Needless to say it requires work, but thankfully not work of the major structural type.  Alongside that, we harbour dreams of coastal walks, home baking, self sufficiency and living as greenly as possible whilst making enough pennies to pay the bills, but working as little as possible.

So if you fancy following us on our journey, I’ll update every week or so with a few photos and words about life in the country.  Time will tell if we are out of our tiny minds or out of our townie minds.  That said, a bit of madness goes a long way in life I reckon!!